monthly meet & greet

Every month meet the SuperCoop Team!

Do you have some questions about SuperCoop, but can’t find the answers online? Are you curious about who’s behind the SuperCoop project? Or do you have any ideas that you would like to share with us? Join us at our Meet & Greet!

We will share the date and location the 1st of every month! So keep your eyes peeled.

NEXT ONE : Sunday, December the 1st at 14:30 – Fairmondo office – Glogauer Straße 21

Upcoming events

17 January 2020

Tagung: Ernährungswende für alle

We will be part of the Panel Discussion organised by Dr. Turgut Altug.

You can find the program HERE.

Grünes Parlamentsbüro Kreuzberg

17 January 2020

9. Schnippeldisko – Topf, Tanz, Talk!

One day before the demonstration “Wir haben es satt”, we will be at a great event organised by Slow Food to present SuperCoop and – even more important – enjoy cooking a meal with saved food together!

You can find the program HERE.

Cabuwazi Beyond Borders

Past events

“Food Coop” Screening and discussion with SuperCoop Berlin Team

16. Nov 2019 – Regenbogen Kino, Kreuzberg – 19:30
20. Nov 2019 – Markthalle Neun, Kreuzberg – 19:00
4. Dec 2019 – Filmrauschpalast, Moabit – 19:30
16. Dec 2019 – Babylon Kino, Mitte – 19:30
14 December 2019

Zuhören #4

We have the change to lead a workshop during the Festival organised by Sasha Waltz & Guests about Climate change & democracy.

You can find the program HERE.

Radialsystem, Berlin

05 NOVEMBER 2019

“Food Coop” Movie premiere and Launch of our Crowdfunding Campaign

Follow the daily life of the “Park Slope Food Coop” , Brooklyn, NYC. Open since 1973 and counting now 17 000 members, It is one of the most successful cooperative supermarkets. It’s motto: good food at low prices for working members through cooperation.

Discover this fantastic model, dive into the heart of this community and get inspired! Let´s celebrate the start of our crowdfunding campaign together at the grand premiere of the documentary “Food Coop” on November 5th at Hackesche Höfe Kino. You can buy your ticket online here

Hackesche Höfe Kino, Berlin

15 OCTOBER 2019

Crowdfunding kick-off party

Already convinced by our model, and anxiously awaiting the store’s grand opening? We need your help to spread the word! Let’s talk about how we can work together to make this dream a reality.
Join us for the first SuperCoop ambassadors  meeting ever on! Registration here

Fairmondo, Glogauer Strasse 21, Berlin

13 September 2019

Change Maker Tour

What a pleasure to celebrate with Nathalie and the change makers the  1-year anniversary of her great organization!

Regenbogenfabrik, Berlin
30 Aug. – 01 Sept. 2019


We had the opportunity to represent SuperCoop at the European Slow Food Youth Network Summit.


09 JULY 2019

empowering consumers – discussion round

Sustainability Discourse organizes a monthly meet-up to create a space where we can discuss different topics, all related to sustainability. For this edition, we wanted to talk about how to empower consumers. Together with Earthrating and the great meet-up participants, we were able to exchange many ideas and we are looking forward to the next opportunity to take part in such an event.

Impact Hub, Berlin

04 June 2019

Next Coder Meet-up

3 speakers, 3 different ways to use technology for a food consumption healthier for the planet and people.

Spielfeld, Berlin
17-19 MAY 2019

MAker FAire

The perfect event for families to promote technology, science and IT in a creative and funny way!

FEZ, Berlin
16-17 May 2019


We had a talk at the annual conference of the Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany (SEND e.V.) to shape the future of Social Entrepreneurship in Germany.

Forum Factory, Berlin
16 MAY 2019

NExt organic startup convention

Together with many other sustainable food startups, we had the opportunity to have a stand at this inspiring Trendshow.

Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Berlin
10-12 MAY 2019

YOOWEEDOO Summercamp

As one of the laureates, we were invited for a weekend of workshops and meetings. It was an amazing opportunity to learn about ourselves and get inspired by the many talents present.

8 May 2019

Von Profitmaximierung zum Gemeinwohl

Johanna from our team presented our unique collaborative business model during a workshop.

SuperMarkt, Berlin

01 May 2019

cooperation w/bioladen charlottenburg – kick-off

We had our Kick-off at our partner supermarket Gemeinwohl Bioladen, where you can work for 3 hours a month and, in return, pay wholesale prices on all products!

Impact Hub, Berlin

11 april 2019

screening of documentary “Food Coop”

For our first official event, we were glad to host around 150 people at Forum Factory. We screened the documentary “Food Coop”, directed by Tom Boothe, who also founded “La Louve” in Paris. The film is about the cooperative supermarket in Brooklyn. We were delighted to introduce this great model to Berliners and to share our progress.

Forum Factory, Berlin

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