Crowdfunding 2024

Our crowdfunding campaign will run from May 22 to July 7, 2024: For relaxed shifts and even more community. The goal: 350 new members and €85,000! Every membership and every support counts – including yours! Are you in?

Click here to go directly to the campaign and our video:


Together we have built the supermarket we want: Fair shopping from our neighbors at affordable prices. Around 4,000 products from around 40 suppliers are available to buy in the SuperCoop and at the same time, our cooperative with more than 1,500 members is so much more than just your favorite place to shop. This is where we meet as a community, organize events and get to know the work and people behind our food. However, the number of active members is not yet sufficient to fill all shifts, cover costs and implement our ideas for even more community and fairness in retail. Be the change!

Supercoop mitglieder stehen mit den Armen nach oben vor dem Laden

About The Campaign

What is crowdfunding and what is the aim?

Crowdfunding is about activating many people (= crowd) who work together for a cause and finance it (=funding). The aim of our campaign is to gain 350 new members and raise €85,000.

When does the campaign take place?

From May 22 (Wednesday) to July 07 (Sunday)

Where are we running the campaign?

On the crowdfunding platform Startnext:

Why are we doing this?

To inspire new members (like you?) for fair shopping and thus fill our shifts, shelves and the funding gap. With successful crowdfunding, we can also expand the unpackaged corner, revitalize our café corner and offer a regular lunch service. And all this while our supermarket is financially self-sustaining thanks to the members’ sales. This is only possible with many active members!

Who runs it?

All of us together! There is already a great crowdfunding working group. But the campaign can only be successful with you as an ambassador.

HOW can you get involved?

🎉 Support the campaign directly on Startnext by becoming a member or buying one of our great rewards!

💬 Become an ambassador: Grab an ambassador pack with print material (available to pick up in the SuperCoop from the start of the campaign) and also share the campaign on your online channels (chats, social media, neighborhood groups. Texts and graphics are available here in our campaign toolbox.

🚀 Get involved in the working group: Join our Slack channel #crowdfunding (members only) or write to and support us in activating partners, distributing flyers, sharing posts or with your ideas!

🗞️ You report for the press / radio / TV or have contacts? Here you can find our press kit. We are happy to receive messages to

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