Today in our newsletter: one week left on Startnext + upcoming events.
Today in our SuperNews: some updates about our Crowdfunding campaign, our upcoming events including screenings of the documentary movie ” Food Coop” and a call for help!
Today in our Newsletter: the agenda of “Food Coop” Premiere and all you need to know about our Crowdfunding Campaign, a quick look back on the crowdfunding campaign preparation, website news and a book tip
For this new edition : Become an Ambassador – SuperCoop Verein – Website Updates
Save the Date for the Premiere and launch of the crowdfunding campaign!
We’re back! Today with : “Food Coop” documentary – Crowdfunding – Events – Workshops – A bonus!
Updates and Upcoming events!
It is finally here, the first SuperCoop newsletter! We are excited to share the progress of our project with you!